13 April 2007

Doc talk

There is no significant joint effusion and there is no evidence of significant popliteal cyst. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are intact. Good news! ACL and PCL hangin' in there. There is edema along the soft tissues medial to the medial ligament complex particularly proximally and there is slight thickening of the complex proximally without evidence of interruption. Hey, I'm an active 47-year old, whaddya want, perfect? There is no evidence of subchondral bony contusive change in the tibia, femur or patella. Dem bones, dem bones, dem drrryyyy bones! There is a horizontal tear in the undersurface of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. There is a focal tear in the apex of the body of the lateral meniscus. So now we get to the REAL STORY. Blame the messenger, blame the messenger! Back in the day kings would KILL the little fuckers who brought 'em bad news. Sucks for their team. Articular cartilaginous thickness in all three joint compartments is well maintained without evidence of focal cartilage flap on this examination. Well, shoot, already killed the poor sap even though the last bit was reasonably good news. I mean the meniscus is torn but it ain't flappin' around so I figure that means they'll sew it back together and leave it. Flappin' parts often just get hacked off. I like having cartilage, y'know? That's my report for today all you loyal TPP readers, figured y'all wanted to know what my MRI results were. And people wonder why I like fiction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a brief comment on the knee -- I know all of your fans out here in the diaspora are glad to hear that there is no focal cartilege flap, thank goodness. For some reason, amongst all of the extensive physiological nomenclatura you laid on us, the unfocused flap seems to sum it up best. We who are still focused after your description, salute your flap. And are grateful that: (I) the meniscus can be stitched; and (II) you are relatively very fit for a mere youth of XLVII. Yes. True. NOC